Imprint ¶
Suggested citation: Bont et al. 2023. Plannig of stepped forests.
Sustainable Forestry Research Group
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
8903 Birmensdorf
Persons involved ¶
Leo G. Bont (Project management)
Lioba L. Rath
Janine Schweier
Practice partner ¶
AWN Canton Graubünden and Albula forestry operation
Forestry Department Canton Aargau and Forestry Company Suhrental-Ruedertal
AWW Canton Zug
Financing ¶
Initially as part of a WHFF-CH project:
- Swiss Forest and Wood Research Promotion WHFF-CH / Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
- Conference for Forest, Wildlife and Landscape (KWL)
- Canton of Graubünden
- Canton of Zug
- Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
Subsequently as part of a small FOEN contract: